Charles J. 24/09/2019

So in love with these contacts from kateeye*^* First time ever using contacts!!! I'm so happy with the result!!

Kimberly A. 14/02/2019

I bought 2 different colored contacts for my very first order. One was the starry night blue ones and then this mermaid pair. I absolutely love the beautiful subtly of the mermaid lenses against my dark brown eyes. They pull against my own coloring vs looking artificial or fake. If you want a very subtle change and have brown eyes then this might be for you. If you want pigmented color for your browns I wouldn't recommend them for those people.

Rhonda D. 14/02/2019

Beautiful over dark brown eyes! Very subtle and natural.

Chelle J. 14/02/2019

Coloful! People can see different colors from different angels. Magic. Thank you:)

Abby H. 14/02/2019

Love it Thank you so much! I got many compliments from wearing them